Well said.

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Thank you.

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For some reason… That photo looks a potential thumbnail for a future Mr Ballen video 👍😄

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Thank you Darcy!

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Love this! I needed to hear this, too. I forgot how powerful it is to write to ourselves. Might have to try that again sometime. So good, I’m glad you found inspiration in your journal!

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I guess I wrote what I needed to hear at the time. And I do think the spark, worked to help heal me.

Thanks, as always, for your support here. You were my first true connection here. So glad we met!

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Sep 14Liked by Holly

I love the analogy of the moon. I’ve never heard that before. Cliche or not, it helps!

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Oh good! You are always teaching me things!

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Great article, Holly!

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Thanks Jane!

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You're welcome

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Simply elegant

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Thank you Larry. I’ve been struggling a bit with inspiration.

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You seem to get stronger the more you struggle. There's probably some fruit for thought there.

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That’s the idea, right, Larry? Really trying to learn from mistakes and grow but sometimes I have to learn the same lesson over and over. But we are all works in progress. ❤️

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Amen. I hate to inform you that it doesn't get any easier with age (oh, excuse me, that "number" young people keep telling us it is).

If you'll indulge me with this observation. I have had several eye doctors over the years, one excellent ophthalmologist and the rest mostly very good optometrists. (I even had an eye doctor named Dr. Drill, a scary name for any doctor but especially an eye doctor.)

I guess it is unusual for doctors and patients to develop much of a rapport since they see each other so infrequently. But you fascinate me for many reasons. You're extremely personable (more about that in a minute), you're down-to-earth, you share your thoughts without acting authoritative, you invite people to respond to what you have to say, and you enjoy life as it presents itself and make the most of each day.

Being personable.

With my wife's condition, I have had to interact with numerous doctors and far more nurses and other health care professionals. Nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician's assistants always introduce themselves by their first name. Doctors never do. At least, not until I met you.

Do you have any idea how that makes us feel? Not as equals because we certainly are not. Your education and experience trump anything I bring to the table. But you make us feel visible and that while we might not all be in the same type of boat, we are all out on the same choppy sea.

Immense gratitude for the person you present to us. Blessings in abundance for you and everyone you hold dear.

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What a thoughtful response Larry. If you've read any of my backstory, you know I worked at the same office for 16 years. I had a great relationship with my patients. Many of them told me their deepest secrets and fears. They watched me get married and become a mother in that time period. Maybe we were too close and maybe that was why the job got harder and harder for me. I couldn't connect with someone and spend 5-10 minutes with them. It all felt shallow and maybe parts of it should have been. But I have always believed in treating the whole patient, not just their eyes.

I wish I had had the opportunity to see you in my office.

I have a job opportunity that may be interesting coming up. I don't want to jinx it until it is mine but I am hopeful I will be able to connect at this new place, the way I was at my old.

Thank you for saying I am not authoritative. That is definitely not what I want.

I am just trying to figure it out like everyone else. But I feel I have something to offer. And I enjoy conversation very much!

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All the more reasons to cherish you as a friend or companion on life's journey.

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