25 responses to drinking and 0 ideas for mindfulness. It’s just basically being here. Sometimes you’re at work and it’s shitty. So be in the shit. You don’t have to like or relish it, just be there, really there. Other times you’re with your family and it’s wonderful. It makes a great story to think about what your daughter’s future will be, but for real life just be there, with her. Just be here.

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So…there are no responses on some of these older pieces because they were deleted when I went nuclear.

I do appreciate you getting them back up with some comments now.

Such wise advice…I struggle there…going to keep practicing.

Thanks so much for your comment Jack.

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Reading this after reading "Going Nuclear" felt like a flashback. What a beautiful place. I have many memories from similar places, one in Pennsylvania as well. And what a miracle, really, that we are on this rock floating in space, and from time to time we get to just chill by a lake, at the edge of green forest, warmed by our sun and protected from it by our magnetic field. I'm not an atheist, but I'm not religious either. But still, even if all of this is truly meaningless happenstance, just gravity making a flamboyant donation to entropy, and nothing more, it still means everything to me.

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You're pretty good at catching things because my lake to home implosions have happened more than once. :)

And yes, how lucky are we that we get to see the beauty of the world and it can steal us away from our troubles, even briefly.

thank you for reading, Jay, looking forward to getting to know you more.

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A few things here (that I'm learning way too late in life)...

1) this too shall pass - it applies to the good just at much as the bad. Take in the moment. Enjoy the good but know it will pass. Persevere through the bad and be thankful it will pass. Just don't be regretful or anxious. 🙏🏼

2) There are no ordinary moments. YOU make the moment special - the here and now. (Way of the Peaceful Warrior)

3) The power of detachment in anything - expectations of what the moment should be, of how people should react to the moment, or to you. Let go.


Keep being amazing. ❤️

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You're the best. And so wise.

Thanks so much for getting a comment on all of the stuff that went nuclear.

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